While we do not provide complimentary trial classes, we do offer drop-in classes (rates listed below). If there is available space after the class, you have the option to enroll and receive credit for the drop-in class attended within that month. Drop-in classes do not require prior notice or registration. Only register if you wish to enroll into a class.
RDC’s regular class tuition is billed monthly starting from September to June (on the 5th of every month) using the card you entered during the registration process. The card on file will be charged on 5th of each month for that current months tuition and any previous charges that were put on the account. If for some reason your card does not go through, you will have until the 15th of that month to pay your balance. After the 15th, you account will be charged a late fee of $10.
Our tuition is calculated by taking the total number weeks and dividing them equally between the months of September to June. For the 2024-2025 School Year, we have a total of 35 weeks of dance and it is divided into nine full months. Some months may have more and less classes but tuition will always be the same because it is based on the total number of weeks versus the number of classes in a given month.
When a dancer misses a scheduled class, they will be able to make-up in any class that is age and level appropriate. The class must be done in the same month of the missed class. When you miss class during the last week of the month, you can make up that class in the following month. You do not need to schedule a make-up class ahead of time. Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to pick up a make-up slip from the front desk and find the studio you will be dancing in.